About Us - Committee


Board of Directors:

  • President – Nicole Grose
  • Vice President –Rick Davis
  • Hearings Officer - Min O'Brien
  • Treasurer – Belinda Murphy
  • Secretary– Tracey Whillock

General Members:

  • Assistant Treasurer - Jemma Hall
  • Secretary Assistant - Bec Eade
  • Mixed Competition Director/Assistants – Michelle Fernando, Wayne Garnsey and Khy Roworth
  • Men’s Competition Director – Rick Davis, Daniel Thornton and Wayne Garnsey
  • Women's Competition Director/Assistant - Millie Wright
  • Junior Competition Director/Assistant– Heidi Spratt, Sally Tudor and Dean Alley
  • Registrar – Michelle Fernando 
  • Referee Coordinators –Krystal Laughton and Leesa Weber 
  • Junior Referee Coordinator - Mandy Turner
  • Senior Representative Coordinator  –  vacant
  • Junior Representative Coordinator –  Emma Fitzgerald 
  • Canteen Manager – Lois Laughton
  • Publicity Officers – vacant
  • Fundraising, Grants and Sponsorship Coordinator - Lauren French
  • Member Protection Officer – Beckie Wells
  • Merchandise Coordinator - Jackie Obray